Merney, Robert D.



Toronto, Canada, June 1886

Date of Death:

March 26, 1918

Hero Bio:

Robert D. Merney, born at Toronto, Canada, in June 1886. Lived at Fallon, Nevada, for two years in the employ of Mr. Benadum, from which town he volunteered in the army on March 5, 1918. He served only three weeks in the army, in a Casual Detachment, Air Service, Signal Corps, as he died of disease on March 26th, 1918.

Nothing whatever is known concerning his early life or his relatives. His friends, the Benadum family, were the ones notified of his death. His name appears on the Honor Roll of Churchill County.

Rank in Death:

Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death

Casual Detachment ATS Service Signal Corps
